It is the spiritual practice which shri Rajesh likes to call Asmi –{ SUPRA CONSCIOUS }. Asmi merging in Divine Consciousness Virtues. You can experience it. With divine breathing ( Prana Shakti ) we can merge in silence and connect with the eternal, infinite, immortal consciousness. It is Para – Supramental state. Asmi is merging in infinite consciousness- the supreme divine. The spiritual journey of the individual consciousness (Jeev-aatma) comes to an end we all are destined to.
This cosmic energy vibrates the Kundalini of the meditators. The pran shakti starts moving upwards and the devotee starts doing automatic actions (kriyayen) which are not easily fathomable. The cosmic energy is transferred in such great quantum that the disciple moves beyond body and mind and meets his own existence. And thus those automatic movements (kriyayein) take place which are required by that particular individual’s spiritual existence.
Divine Mutation of Humanity :
According to Vaidik Darshan, Human body is made up of seven Koshas (layers). Physical-food , vital air, mind ,intellect, bliss, spiritual, and , the infinite Human development has traveled from initial four layers and arrived at current stage of development, yet through the last three layers: Bliss, spiritual and infinite ( In Hindu terminology they are known as Sat, Chit and Anand ) and withouht divine support human beings can not develop. This is so because these three Koshas are away from physical world and are in the world of soul/ divine consciouness.
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